Monday, May 2, 2011

Ivan and Mika

So I have these two beautiful people in my life called Ivan and Mika.

Ivan is my best friend and life partner.

Mika is our baby.

Head over to to read about our adventures.

Monday, December 7, 2009

head on over

oh hi there!

head on over to it's my new blog that I share with some other cool crazy cultural and creative cats. wordpress is just so cool.

unless of course you are wanting to read about my time in laos and bangkok. then please read on...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Don't do it

“A meatball sundae is the unfortunate result of mixing two good ideas. The meatballs
are the foundation, the things we need (and sometimes want)…The sundae toppings
(hot fudge and the like) are the New Marketing, the social networks, Google, blogs
and fancy stuff that make people all excited. The challenge most organizations face:
they try to mix them. They attempt to slap new marketing onto old and end up with
nothing but [failure].” Seth Godin in Meatball Sundae

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Coffee and technology?

This morning as i was purchasing my morning coffee, i thought once again about the potential for technology in this space. But I was torn/confused about it's place.

So it would be really easy for me to text in my coffee order from my desk on my way downstairs, with an estimate of when I'd be there ie. TrimFW Pamela 2mins.

A very clever system could then figure out what coffees should be made when, and viola!

  • no waiting in line
  • the system could apply some intelligence ie. i (pamela) order a coffee every morning at 9am... maybe it would eventually text me (trimFW 2mins?) and i could just reply y or n and voila!
  • the cafe would have my cellphone number and could tell me about special deals/offers etc and ask me questions about my experience (if i agreed to this of course)


  • has my human-interaction-time been reduced? is this a bad thing? i'm not sure. i think it is
  • cost of running a system like this?

I'm sure there are many more cons... probably namely, do the benefits (cost benefits mainly) outweigh the cost of setting something like this up?

Are cellphones/texting the best option? could we then pay for the coffee using our cellphone? could it be included in our phone bill? coooooool.

i'm just wondering :)

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Rainy weekend = International Film Festival. And since the awesome crew at yMedia gave me 10 free tickets for my birthday, I'm totally (for the first time ever) going to make the most of this year's festival.

Starting with Humpday.

9pm, Skycity Theatre, my date: Matthew, happened to be sitting next to: Anthea, snacks: none

Two guys. Both of them straight. One of them is married, and the other is a 'free spirit', traveling the world. They're best friends from way-back who haven't seen each other in years.

The free spirit shows up on the doorstep of the married guy at 2am on some idle Wednesday.

A few drinks and conversations later, they decide that they're going to have sex.

In the name of art.


Humpday is the ultimate bromance movie. Uncomfortable? Yes. Weird? Yes. See it? Yes.

Monday, May 25, 2009

things i am learning

2. a good bed is worth investing in. so is a good pillow and good sheets and a warm duvet.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

things i am learning

1. Never be late to work. ever.