Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I have just returned from a week in Wellington.

My highlights:
  • Chatting with Josh and Tai and learning about the Ship for World Youth.
  • Sitting next to David Baldwin on the plane - finding out that Cherrie Kong is working for them - falling in love with synergy all over again.
  • Talking with Paul Matthews from the Computer Society and regaining faith in the future of the ICT industry
  • Getting some insight into what community groups are thinking about in terms of online solutions, after being invited to sit in on the CIMS workshop.
  • Having a picnic 'meeting' with Megan Hosking and leaving it feeling stoked about the people in NZ who are just so on to it

1 comment:

Cherrie said...

OMG, not to creep you out, but I found your blog!
And further creep out:
My friend Mariana just came back from Ship for World Youth.

There's someone called Paul Matthews who works here- don't worry I don't think they're the same...

Megan Hosking... her name sounds familiar - she has a climate change project on Which I'm looking at right now...

This is all too creepy!