Thursday, May 8, 2008

what did they expect?

Ernie blogs yesterday from the Telecommunications Day -

"New Zealand has fallen from 14th to 16th on The Economist Intelligence Unit's annual e-readiness rankings.

Meanwhile Australia has jumped from 9th to 4th.

Given the focus the government has put on the Digital Strategy over the past several years this is not the news we want to hear."

What did they expect?


Paul Minett (Auckland, New Zealand) said...

That is a tantalising question, and you offer no satisfying comment about what you think they might have expected.

Your earlier comments about 'all the talk and no action' could be well repeated here.

They might have expected more, but did they do what needed to be done to get more? All we see is the meetings, not changed outcomes.

And who is 'they?

pamelaminett said...

i think that's well the point - who are 'they'? Who is responsible for making sure we are climbing the ranks in The Economist Intelligence Unit's annual e-readiness rankings? I have no idea...

And yes, all talk no action, maintaining dialogue, pointing the finger, passing the blame etc etc all valid points to touch on.

was in a rush though and just wanted to draw attention to the fact that this was posted by the chair of tuanz, at an event that supposedly involved all the 'key people' in the industry.

yes it is a disappointing statistic... but so what will they do about it?!!