Friday, June 13, 2008

the yMedia Challenge 08 OPEN

the yMedia Challenge 2008 is now open for registrations...

The yMedia Challenge is a competition connecting tertiary students with community groups through media and technology to create a new or leverage an existing low-cost digital presence for the community group.

So pass this on to community groups, non-profits, tertiary students, tertiary institutions, small businesses, large businesses, friends, family

The yMedia group are also offering 2 different workshop series, one aimed at non-profits and community groups and the other aimed at tertiary students. Find out more information about these workshops on the Challenge website:

Sponsors this year include Microsoft, Telecom, InternetNZ with other industry members (supporters) including Terabyte, IBM, Chrometoaster, Xero, Silverstripe, APN Digital Media, GardyneHolt and Creo.

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