I suffer from severe nocturnal bruxism. In other words - I grind my teeth in my sleep. Apparently I'm not alone - according to Wikipedia, 30 to 40 million Americans grind their teeth during sleep.

Then it hit me... hypnotism! Surely because it happens in my 'sub-conscious' there would be something in hypno-therapy that would cure me.
So my good friend Lauren accompanied me to the hypnotist's house. He spent an hour talking about his political and social views (a South African living in NZ) before spending 12 minutes talking me through a meditation ("hypnotism") where he repeated affirmations and relaxation instructions. He then burnt it to CD, "treated" Lauren for her nail-biting, performed a few magic tricks (i'm not joking), then I paid him $75 and we left.
I'd recommend Yoga and Meditation over hypno-therapy any day...
I can certainly see why you were unimpressed. Is the "hypnotist" a member of any professional assocation? If so, you might want to report him - he's clearly bringing the profession into disrepute.
Oh -- I see you met Dave!
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